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why are TUPLES even a thing?
I Learned Something New About Tuples In Python 3.11
Python lists vs. tuples: When should you use each one?
Python lists, sets, and tuples explained 🍍
Tuples Are Underrated! List vs Tuple
Tuples in Python: Definition, Syntax & Advantages (Tuples vs Lists) - Python Tutorial for Beginners
Why should you use Tuples? 🤔
Tuples (Python Master Class 2d)
What is requirements of tuple even this is immutable #pythoninterviewquestions #pythonlearning
Master Python Tuples: Tutorial for Beginners (2024)
PY4E - Tuples (Chapter 10 Part 1)
What Is Tuple Data In Python? - Data Type In Python- Python Short Series Ep. 49 #python #datatypes